HHS-OIG 2021 Year in Review
December 8, 2021The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of Inspector General (OIG), remains committed to protecting the integrity of HHS programs and the well-being of individuals they serve. Our independent and objective oversight promotes the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in HHS programs and operations. Check out our 2021 Year in Review to learn more about our work.
2021 Top Management & Performance Challenges Facing HHS
December 7, 2021HHS-OIG has identified six top management and performance challenges (TMCs) that HHS faces as it strives to fulfill its mission to enhance the health and well-being of all Americans. These top challenges reflect overarching issues that affect multiple HHS programs and responsibilities, though these are not the only challenges that confront HHS. OIG reports are a key resource that highlight specific opportunities to improve HHS programs and operations.
HHS-OIG is Working for You
October 25, 2021HHS-OIG is people focused and working for you by providing objective oversight of Medicare, Medicaid, and more than 100 other HHS programs that serve millions of people across the country.
Healthcare Fraud: What You Need To Know
December 18, 2019In OIG's first live broadcast, OIG investigators answer your questions on what you need to know about healthcare fraud.
Eye on Oversight - 2019 Year in Review
December 16, 2019In fiscal year 2019, the HHS Office of Inspector General reported 809 criminal actions, 695 civil actions, and nearly six billion dollars in expected recoveries. Let's look at some other highlights from this year.
Eye on Oversight - The New HHS OIG Hotline
November 14, 2019The HHS OIG Hotline receives tips and complaints from all sources regarding potential healthcare fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement in HHS programs. With nearly 115 thousand complaints received each year, OIG's Hotline is one of the largest in terms of volume of inquiries reviewed.
Eye On Oversight Special Edition: Employee Screenings in the UAC Program
September 4, 2019In the summer of 2018, OIG conducted a series of site visits at facilities funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement, or ORR. At that time, ORR was experiencing a surge of children in its custody, under the Unaccompanied Alien Children Program. A recent OIG review focused on ORR-funded facilities' efforts to maintain appropriate levels of qualified, screened facility employees, including when the UAC program experiences a sudden change in the number or needs of children.
Eye on Oversight Special Edition: Challenges to Addressing Mental Health Needs of Children in the UAC Program
September 4, 2019OIG provides oversight of the Unaccompanied Alien Children program that is managed by HHS' Office of Refugee Resettlement, or ORR. In the summer of 2018, OIG conducted site visits and data collection at 45 facilities in ten states that provide temporary care to unaccompanied children. This large, multifaceted review focused on the health and safety of children in HHS custody. OIG is publishing a series of reports resulting from this review, including work that identifies challenges that facilities experienced in addressing children's mental health needs.
Genetic Testing Fraud Alert
August 27, 2019Scammers are offering Medicare beneficiaries "free" genetic tests at health fairs, public events, door-to-door visits, and telemarketing calls. When Medicare is billed for genetic tests that are not medically necessary or are not ordered by your doctor, in most cases that's fraud. Don't share your Medicare number with anyone other than a trusted healthcare provider. If you think you are the victim of genetic testing fraud, report it immediately at 1-800-HHS-TIPS or 800-447-8477.
Eye on Oversight: ADHD Followup Care
August 15, 2019An estimated 13 percent of children enrolled in Medicaid have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder—or ADHD, which is a common neurobehavioral disorder. A new national report by the HHS Office of Inspector General found that many Medicaid-enrolled children with ADHD did not receive recommended follow up services.
Eye on Oversight: Medicaid Provider Enrollment Screening
July 15, 2019The Medicaid program serves more people than any other Federal healthcare program. To ensure that Medicaid can continue serving the nation's most vulnerable populations, corrupt providers must be kept OUT of the program.
Eye On Oversight: Abuse & Neglect of Medicare Beneficiaries
June 12, 2019Two OIG reports issued in June 2019 address the identification, reporting and investigation of incidents of potential abuse and neglect of our nation's most vulnerable populations, including seniors and individuals with developmental disabilities.
Eye on Oversight Special Edition: Separated Children Placed in ORR Care
January 17, 2019The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) administers the Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) program. ORR uses the program's $1.4 billion annual budget to pay grantees to run facilities that serve unaccompanied children. Given the urgency and seriousness of the health and safety issues raised in 2018 at UAC facilities, OIG responded quickly, dedicating an unprecedented level of resources to conduct large, multi-faceted reviews. In just three weeks, more than 200 OIG staff completed multi-day site visits to 45 ORR-funded facilities across the country.
National Review of Office of Refugee Resettlement Funded Facilities
January 17, 2019The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) administers the Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) program. ORR uses the program's $1.4 billion annual budget to pay grantees to run facilities that serve unaccompanied children. Given the urgency and seriousness of the health and safety issues raised in 2018 at UAC facilities, OIG responded quickly, dedicating an unprecedented level of resources to conduct large, multi-faceted reviews. In just three weeks, more than 200 OIG staff completed multi-day site visits to 45 ORR-funded facilities across the country.
Joanne Chiedi's Remarks at the 2019 HCCA Compliance Institute
January 17, 2019Joanne Chiedi, Principal Deputy Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, gives remarks at the annual HCCA Compliance Institute on Monday, April 8, 2019.
Eye on Oversight: 2018 Year in Review
December 17, 2018In fiscal year 2018, the HHS OIG reported 764 criminal actions, 813 civil actions and nearly three billion dollars in expected recoveries. Let's look at some other highlights from this year.
HHS OIG: A Good Investment
November 30, 2018In 2018, for every one dollar we spent fighting healthcare fraud, we returned four dollars to the federal government. Our 1600+ employees oversee more than $1 trillion dollars spent for the health and well-being of Americans.
Eye on Oversight: Cybersecurity
October 9, 2018OIG recognizes Protecting HHS Data, Systems, and Beneficiaries from Cybersecurity Threats as a top management and performance challenge facing HHS. In partnering with various HHS agencies to address this challenge, OIG has formed a multidisciplinary Cybersecurity Team composed of auditors, evaluators, investigators and attorneys focused on combatting cybersecurity threats within HHS and the
Eye on Oversight: Emergency Response
September 25, 2018HHS OIG is one of many agencies the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) calls upon to respond to major disasters. As part of the Government's coordinated emergency response efforts, a team of OIG's special agents may deploy to provide leadership, equipment, expertise, security, and other support.
Eye on Oversight: Hospice
July 31, 2018Hospices can provide much-needed pain relief and support to terminally ill patients, to give services and comfort to people at the end of life. However, the HHS OIG is releasing a hospice portfolio that summarizes the agency's work, which found significant problems with quality of care issues and improper billing in the Medicare hospice program.
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