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Guidance for State Medicaid Agencies

All state Medicaid agencies should be checking the OIG's List of Excluded Individuals/Entities (LEIE) on a monthly basis, and in connection with any new enrollments, to ensure that the state Medicaid program does not enroll or continue the enrollment of any individual or entity that has been excluded from participation in all Federal health care programs by the OIG.

OIG exclusion information can be accessed through OIG's Online Searchable Database or the LEIE Downloadable Databases.

The Online Searchable Database allows for searches of a single individual (by Last Name and/or First Name), for multiple (up to 5) individuals, for a single entity, or for multiple entities.

The LEIE Downloadable Databases include a monthly updated LEIE database, updated by the 10th of every month, which is the entire database of all active OIG exclusions. You may also view instructions for downloading the various LEIE files and Frequently Asked Questions regarding the database files.

In addition, the OIG posts monthly supplements which contain only the OIG exclusions and reinstatements for that month. The monthly supplements files also include a Profile Corrections file which contains any needed changes to an excluded individual's or entity's profile, such as change of address, updated date of birth, etc.

Monthly supplement files for the previous 12 calendar months are also available on the OIG's website in the Supplements Archive.

There is a video and some "Quick Tips" for using both the Online Searchable Database and for using the LEIE Downloadable Databases. In addition, there are Exclusions Frequently Asked Questions that include answers to questions concerning the LEIE.

Questions regarding information contained on the LEIE should be directed to the Exclusions Branch at