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Strategic Plan

HHS-OIG Strategic Plan 2025-2030

The Office of Inspector General Strategic Plan 2025–2030 establishes the goals and priorities that guide OIG’s work to carry out its mission to provide objective oversight to promote the economy, efficiency, effectiveness, and integrity of HHS programs, as well as the health and welfare of the people they serve. OIG’s work to achieve its statutory purpose is made possible through the specialized skills of investigators, auditors, evaluators, data scientists, attorneys, and other experts, augmented by cutting-edge technology. OIG’s dedicated workforce engages in the prevention, detection, and investigation of fraud, waste, and abuse. Its service holds individuals accountable for violations of law, saves the Government money, and results in recommendations that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of HHS programs and operations.

The OIG Strategic Plan establishes three clear goals:

  1. Fight fraud, waste, and abuse
  2. Promote quality, safety, and value
  3. Advance excellence and innovation.

This plan also describes OIG’s current priorities and its mission critical work. OIG has identified three key HHS program areas that face significant challenges: managed care, nursing homes, and grants and contracts. Information about OIG’s approach to addressing these priority issues can be found below in the issue-specific strategic plans, as they are established.

Grants and Contracts Strategic Plan

HHS is the largest grant-making agency and fourth-largest contracting agency in the Federal Government. This substantial and diffuse investment of taxpayer dollars aims to provide quality care and early education for children; foster breakthrough research for new medical treatments; protect the Nation from health threats; facilitate access to health services; and support healthy, resilient communities, among many other objectives.

The OIG has designated oversight of public health and human services grants and contracts as a priority area. OIG has developed a strategy to harness skills and expertise across OIG to advance oversight of these funding mechanisms. The HHS-OIG Strategic Plan for Safeguarding the Integrity of HHS Grants and Contracts has three goals:

  1. Strengthen compliance with requirements throughout the grants and contracts life cycle
  2. Promote award practices that achieve program outcomes
  3. Enhance public trust in HHS awards by mitigating fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement

Read the Plan.

Managed Care Strategic Plan

The growth of managed care over the last several years has changed fundamental aspects of the Medicare and Medicaid programs. This significant shift transformed how the government pays for and covers health care for approximately 100 million enrollees.

The OIG has designated oversight of managed care as a priority area. OIG has developed a strategy to align its audits, evaluations, investigations, and enforcement of managed care. The HHS-OIG Strategic Plan for Oversight of Managed Care for Medicare and Medicaid has three goals:

  1. Promote access to care for people enrolled in managed care
  2. Provide comprehensive financial oversight
  3. Promote data accuracy and encourage data-driven decisions

Read the plan.