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Indian Health and Human Services

HHS, through its operating divisions, carries out health and human services programs for American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs).

The Indian Health Service (IHS), which has an approximately $7 billion budget, provides or funds a wide range of clinical, public health, and community services to approximately 2.8 million AI/ANs who are members of the 574 federally recognized Tribes located in 37 States. Tribally run facilities typically serve as Medicare or Medicaid providers for eligible AI/ANs, as does the IHS. Other HHS agencies award grants for Tribal human services programs ranging from Head Start to the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program.

OIG provides oversight—through audits, evaluations, and investigations—of all HHS Federal health care programs and grant programs that serve AI/ANs, including the Sanitation Facilities Construction Program, which provides AI/AN homes and communities with essential water supply, sewage disposal, and solid waste disposal facilities. We are committed to helping protect the HHS programs in Indian Country from fraud, waste, and abuse so that Tribal beneficiaries receive the health and human services that are so important to their well-being.

Compliance & Quality of Care Trainings

Improving Health and Well-Being in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities Through Compliance

Published 05-17-2022

OIG offers the online training series Improving Health and Well-Being in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities Through Compliance. This series includes web-based trainings, job aids, and videos for grantees and health care providers who serve AI/AN communities to learn more about compliance; fraud, waste, and abuse; and health care quality.

These trainings are free and provide information and tools that you, at the option of your organization and based on its needs, can apply to help ensure your organization provides quality services to your community and complies with applicable statutes, regulations, and program requirements. Users will be able to download a certification of completion for each training completed.

Trainings by Subject

Trainings by Tract

Audits & Evaluations

Planned Work

Investigations & Enforcement Actions

Fighting fraud in Indian Health and Human Services programs is an OIG priority. OIG also investigates retaliation complaints filed by employees of HHS contractors and grantees who report fraud. Below are some examples of investigations and enforcement actions:

Other Resources

Podcasts & Videos

Compliance Program Guidance
