Child Care and Development Fund

The Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) is a partnership between the Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) Administration for Children and Families and States. CCDF provides eligible, low-income families with help paying for child care at a provider of their choice. Around 1.5 million children receive a child care subsidy from the CCDF program every month. To address fraud, waste, and abuse in the CCDF program, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) uses a multidisciplinary approach, including a rigorous program of audits, investigations, and evaluations. The OIG also is undertaking an initiative to address challenges common to HHS grant programs through in-depth, targeted efforts. This initiative focuses on internal controls, program effectiveness, and prevention of fraud, waste, and abuse in grant programs.
- Fact Sheet
- More Effort is Needed to Protect the Integrity of the Child Care and Development Fund Block Grant Program (OEI-03-16-00150)
- Interactive Map: CCDF Program Integrity
Graphic and Photo Gallery
ccdf-photogallery01.jpg ccdf-photogallery02.jpg ccdf-photogalleryagents01.jpg ccdf-photogalleryagents02.jpg ccdf-photogralleryagents03.jpgAudio: OIG officials explain why this report matters
Other Resources
- Child Care Providers: Compliance with State Health and Safety Requirements
- CNN Op-Ed by Joanne Chiedi: Americans footing bill for substandard child care
Images are not copyrighted, but if used, please credit the HHS OIG.
Last updated March 4, 2021