Missouri Hospital Settles Case Involving Patient Dumping Allegations
On November 28, 2016, Research Medical Center (RMC) in Kansas City, Missouri, entered into a $360,000 settlement agreement with OIG. The settlement agreement resolves allegations that RMC violated the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) when it failed to provide an adequate medical screening examination and improperly transferred a patient. The patient presented to RMC’s Emergency Department (ED) with a psychiatric emergency medical condition. Without providing stabilizing treatment, RMC transferred the patient to a nearby facility by private vehicle; en route, the patient exited the vehicle and was struck by another vehicle. RMC self-disclosed the incident involving this patient. Based on its investigation, OIG concluded that RMC implemented a transfer policy applicable to patients who presented to RMC’s ED with psychiatric emergency medical conditions that also resulted in multiple violations of EMTALA. Specifically, OIG found seventeen occasions where RMC failed to provide adequate medical screening examinations and improperly transferred or discharged, without providing stabilizing treatment, patients who presented to RMC’s ED with psychiatric emergency medical conditions. At the time each patient presented, RMC had the capacity to treat, stabilize, or admit each patient. Senior Counsel Geeta Taylor represented OIG.
Action Details
- Date:November 28, 2016
Enforcement Types:
- CMP and Affirmative Exclusions