Calvert Physical Therapy and Sports Fitness Center Agreed to Pay $368,000 for Allegedly Violating the Civil Monetary Penalties Law by Submitting Claims for Therapy Services that Were Not Provided as Claimed
After it self-disclosed conduct to OIG, Calvert Physical Therapy and Sports Fitness Center (Calvert), Maryland, agreed to pay $368,740.59 for allegedly violating the Civil Monetary Penalties Law. OIG alleged that: (1) Calvert submitted claims to Medicare, Medicaid and TRICARE for therapeutic services that required direct one-to-one patient contact when the physical therapist was treating more than one patient at the same time: and (2) submitted claims to Medicare for patient re-evaluations when the physical therapist was recertifying Medicare patients' existing plans of care. OIG further alleged that Calvert improperly submitted claims to Medicare, Medicaid, and TRICARE for physical therapy services that failed to meet documentation requirements for time spent with patients and modalities used to treat patients.
Action Details
- Date:June 23, 2017
Enforcement Types:
- Fraud Self-Disclosures