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Join the OIG Team Today!

Join us and embark on a career that will make a difference in the lives of Americans.


HHS OIG is ranked one of the top places to work in the Federal Government. We are the #1 Best Place to Work within the Department Health and Human Services and 14th among Agency Subcomponents throughout the Federal government in the Partnership for Public Service's "Best Places to Work in the Federal Government" 2021 ratings.

  • We have approximately 1,600 professionals with expertise in audits, investigations, evaluations, enforcement actions, and data analysis—all dedicated to government oversight.
  • We operate a full-service human resources office. We use a variety of hiring authorities, including merit promotion, Schedule A, the Pathways Program, and other authorities such as veteran recruitment.

Career Information by Component

Mission critical positions are key to accomplishing strategic programs and goals, and these occupations most directly affect mission success. Following are positions critical to the mission of the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General (HHS-OIG) and are identified as having the greatest impact on the organization’s goals and objectives. Please note that this list is not inclusive of all the positions in our agency. Download a copy of this content.

Additional Information