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Natural Disaster Response

Last Updated: 08-19-2021

HHS OIG is one of many agencies the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) calls upon to respond to major disasters.

As part of the Government's coordinated emergency response efforts, a team of OIG's special agents may deploy to provide leadership, equipment, expertise, security, and other support. Responsibilities include:

  • Evacuation assistance
  • Facility and resource security, including securing shelters for displaced residents
  • Search and rescue operations
  • Delivery of food, water, and medical supplies

Following a major disaster, HHS OIG may also conduct audits and evaluations of emergency preparedness and response operations.

HHS OIG Emergency Response Capabilities and Responsibilities Factsheet


HHS OIG Emergency Response Capabilities and Responsibilities The Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG) is one of many Federal agencies the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has designated to respond to major disasters. Under the Stafford Disaster and Emergency Assistance Act, OIG supports FEMA in carrying out the National Response Framework (NRF), which calls on agencies to provide coordinated disaster relief and recovery operations.

Emergency Support Functions

Under the National Response Framework, OIG is assigned as a supporting agency for Emergency Support Function (ESF) 13– Public Safety and Security. OIG maintains a cadre of special agents to respond to national disasters or emergencies, once FEMA activates the NRF and the required ESFs.

ESFs provide the structure for coordinating a federal interagency response to a declared Federal disaster. ESF-13 helps coordinate and implement the Federal law enforcement response to any serious local incident, large-scale terrorist attack or catastrophic natural disaster.

OIG’s Role in Assisting with Emergencies

HHS OIG’s National Training and Emergency Operations Branch (NTEOB) coordinates emergency responses for the agency. NTEOB oversees a team of special agents located across the country who provide leadership, equipment, expertise, security, and other support. When these special agents are deployed in Quick Response Teams, NTEOB provides ongoing operational support for the missions. These teams may assist Disaster Medical Assistance Teams, Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Teams, Urban Search & Rescue, and other Federal efforts with site security and/or force protection. Roles and responsibilities include:

  • Facility and resource security
  • Security planning
  • Public safety, security, and support
  • Support for access, traffic and crowd control

Responses to Other Emergencies

Some critical incidents do not rise to the level of a federal disaster that calls for a Governmentwide, coordinated emergency response; however, OIG may still lend support and resources. For example, OIG’s special agents may lend support during mass-casualty incidents, threats, and smaller natural disasters.

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