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HHS-OIG Compendium of Unimplemented Recommendations (2011)

Issued on  | Posted on  | Report number: OIG-TUR-2011

Report Materials

The HHS-OIG Compendium of Unimplemented Recommendations (Compendium) summarizes significant1 monetary and nonmonetary recommendations that, when implemented, will result in cost savings and/or improvements in program efficiency and effectiveness. Compendium recommendations result from audits and evaluations that are performed pursuant to the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended. Implementation generally requires one or more of three types of actions: legislative, regulatory, or administrative. Some issues involve more than one type of action. Each narrative in the Compendium contains a background summary, findings, recommendation(s), management response summary, status, and report titles, numbers, and issue dates. In the case of monetary recommendations, there is also an estimate of the savings that may be achieved by implementing the recommendations. The estimated value of each monetary recommendation is based on the specifics of each review and is not projected beyond the scope of the original review. The estimates provide indicators of potential savings, but the actual savings to be achieved depend on the scope of the legislative, regulatory, or administrative implementing actions. At the beginning of each fiscal year (FY) OIG follows up with HHS and its operating and staff divisions to determine their progress in implementing recommendations that were included in the preceding edition of the Compendium and in reports that were issued during the closed fiscal year. The March edition of the Compendium updates the status of recommendations that were not fully implemented as of September 30, 2010 and represent significant opportunities for action in FY 2011.
