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Compliance Tools Trainings

Improving Health and Well-Being in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities Through Compliance

HHS funds AI/AN programs in Indian Country that provide critical health and human services, such as Head Start and Low Income Home Energy Assistance programs. Unfortunately, vulnerabilities and breakdowns in an organization's processes can divert program funds intended to improve the health and well-being of AI/AN communities, disrupt the services these programs offer, and leave them vulnerable to fraud and abuse.

Using internal controls and understanding the results of a Single Audit can help protect against these vulnerabilities. Internal controls help to protect your organization from fraud, waste, and abuse and will help your program achieve its objectives and goals to serve your community. Single Audits, required for Tribes and non-Federal entities that expend $750,000 or more annually, examine both financial statements and compliance with Federal award requirements. A Single Audit is a tool you can use to measure your compliance with rules and regulations for Federal awards. Learn more about internal controls and Single Audits by taking the trainings below.

Using Internal Controls

This course explains what internal controls are, why they are important, and introduces key internal control components to help you apply a system in your organization and program. This training is intended for all audiences, specifically compliance officers and their staff.

Understanding Single Audits


OMB revised the Uniform Guidance and released the final updated version in April 2024.  As part of this guidance, the Single Audit threshold increases from $750,000 to $1,000,000. The effective date for the threshold change is for audits with periods beginning on or after October 1, 2024. This change in threshold is not yet reflected in this course but will be updated accordingly in the near future.

This course gives a detailed and comprehensive explanation of the Single Audit process, including how to interpret Single Audit results. It will help you gain knowledge about how a single audit (a key component of internal controls) helps you protect your organization. This training is intended for compliance officers and their staff, including auditors, and those who are responsible for making improvements based on the results of an organization's Single Audit.