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OIG reports contain findings of its audits and evaluations, assess how well HHS programs and grantees/contractors are working, identify risks to the people they serve and to taxpayers, and recommend necessary improvements.

OIG publications detail its activities and achievements, as well as outline its ongoing and planned work.

  • All Reports and Publications

    View all of HHS-OIG reports and publications, including Top Management and Performance Challenges, Semiannual Report to Congress, and the Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program Report.

  • Work Plan

    The HHS-OIG Work Plan sets forth various projects including audits and evaluations that are underway or planned to be addressed during the fiscal year and beyond.

  • Recommendations

    A public resource for tracking all HHS-OIG's recommendations, updated monthly.

  • Featured Topics

    Compilations of HHS-OIG's existing work related to a specific subject matter area, updated as new material is published.

  • Budget

    HHS-OIG's annual Justification of Estimates for Congress

  • Federal Register

    HHS-OIG information published in the Federal Register.