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HEAT Provider Compliance Training

Training resources resulting from the work of the Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Action Team (HEAT), an HHS/DOJ initiative.

In Spring 2011, HHS-OIG and its government partners provided in-person trainings in Houston, Tampa, Kansas City, Baton Rouge, Denver, and Washington, D.C. The trainings focused on the realities of Medicare and Medicaid fraud and the importance of implementing an effective compliance program.

Video Series

These videos (averaging about four minutes each) cover major health care fraud and abuse laws, the basics of health care compliance programs, and what to do when a compliance issue arises. This is part of the OIG's award-winning Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Action Team (HEAT) Provider Compliance Training initiative.

Webcast Modules

There are 16 modules in the HEAT Provider Compliance Training Webcast, recorded on May 18, 2011. The following resources are now hosted on YouTube.

  1. Welcome Remarks (4:37 minutes long)
  2. Overview of OIG (9:56 minutes long)
  3. Navigating the Fraud and Abuse Laws (26:26 minutes long)
  4. Compliance Program Basics (17:01 minutes long)
  5. Operating an Effective Compliance Program (15:59 minutes long)
  6. Understanding Program Exclusions (10:26 minutes long)
  7. Navigating the Government (5:10 minutes long)
  8. Overview of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (34:24 minutes long)
  9. Importance of Documentation (17:06 minutes long)
  10. OIG Subpoenas Audits Surveys and Self Disclosure Protocol (17:42 minutes long)
  11. Health Care Fraud Enforcement Panel (6:08 minutes long)
  12. Health Care Fraud Enforcement Panel with CMS Deputy Admin (13:43 minutes long)
  13. Health Care Fraud Enforcement Panel with Special Agent (15:10 minutes long)
  14. Health Care Fraud Enforcement Panel with Asst. US Attorney (17:08 minutes long)
  15. Health Care Fraud Enforcement Panel - Fraud Control Unit (11:15 minutes long)
  16. Adjournment (0:59 minutes long)

Presentation Materials

All materials below are in PDF format.


These educational materials were current at the time they were published and posted to OIG's Web site. They were prepared as educational resources; they are not intended to create any rights, privileges, or benefits. Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information within these materials, the ultimate responsibility for complying with the Federal fraud and abuse laws lies with the provider of services. OIG employees, agents, and staff make no representation, warranty, or guarantee that these compilations of information are error free and will bear no responsibility or liability for the results or consequences of their use. These materials are summaries that explain certain aspects of the Federal fraud and abuse laws, but are not legal documents. The official information is contained in the relevant laws and regulations.