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Awards Recognize Accomplishments of Inspectors General

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On Tuesday, October 24, 2006, the President’s Council on Integrity and Efficiency (PCIE) and the Executive Council on Integrity and Efficiency (ECIE) will recognize over 150 individuals or groups from the Inspector General community for outstanding accomplishments at their ninth annual awards ceremony. The ceremony will be held at the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium, 13th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, at 10:00 am.

Clay Johnson III, PCIE and ECIE Chair and Deputy Director for Management at the Office of Management and Budget, will present the community’s most prestigious awards, as follows:

  • William Sentner, III will be posthumously honored by the first Sentner Award for Dedication and Courage. William “Buddy” Sentner, III was fatally shot in the line of duty on June 21, 2006. A Special Agent for the Department of Justice, Office of Inspector General (OIG), Sentner was a dedicated, selfless individual who sacrificed his life to protect the lives of his fellow agents and others. The annual award will serve to recognize an individual or a team demonstrating uncommon dedication and courage in the face of adversity.
  • Thomas Gimble, Acting Inspector General, from the Department of Defense, OIG, will receive the Alexander Hamilton Award. This award recognizes outstanding achievements in improving the integrity, efficiency, and effectiveness of Executive Branch agency operations. The award was named for the Nation’s Founding Father, who served as an Inspector General, and is considered the highest form of recognition that the Inspector General community can bestow.
  • The Harvard University Prosecution Team from the Agency for International Development and The Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction from the Department of State will receive the Gaston L. Gianni, Jr. Better Government Award. This award recognizes courage, determination, and integrity, which contribute to the public’s confidence in government and exemplify the highest ideals of government service as envisioned by the Inspector General Act.
  • The Afghanistan Displaced Persons Audit Team, also from the Agency for International Development and the Yucca Mountain Project Investigation Team that includes employees from the Department of the Interior and the Department of Energy will receive the Glenn/Roth Exemplary Service Award. This award is named for Senators John Glenn and William Roth who were instrumental in the original passage, and subsequent implementation of the Inspector General Act. It recognizes work and behavior demonstrating outstanding achievements in furthering relations between a Department or Agency (or the community) and the Congress.

In addition, Mr. Johnson will present the June Gibbs Brown Career Achievement Awards to Joseph Theis of the Department of Labor, Kenneth Mead of the Department of Transportation, and William Pugh (posthumously) of the Department of the Treasury. These awards were named in 2001 for June Gibbs Brown, former Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services, to recognize her leadership and contributions to the community. Three individual accomplishment awards and one PCIE and ECIE joint award, to recognize efforts that benefit the community at large, will also, be featured.

During the program, Gregory Friedman, PCIE Vice Chair, will present 162 PCIE Awards for Excellence and Barry Snyder, ECIE Vice Chair, will present 15 ECIE Awards for Excellence. These awards recognize accomplishments in audit, investigation, evaluation, employee protections, government ethics, management, administrative, law and legislation and information technology areas. The PCIE and ECIE are composed primarily of the Inspectors General and certain government ethics and law enforcement officials. Inspectors General in the PCIE are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The respective Agency head appoints ECIE Inspectors General.

Made up of over 11,000 audit, investigation, inspection and other professionals at 57 Federal OIGs, the Inspector General community is charged with being a significant, positive force for improving the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of Federal programs and operations and for preventing and detecting fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement. During fiscal year 2005, the community identified potential savings of $20 billion and was instrumental in nearly 7,700 successful prosecutions, 550 civil actions successfully concluded, 9,900 suspensions and debarments, and 2,800 personnel actions. For more information on the IG community, visit

For further information, contact Gregory H. Friedman, Inspector General, Department of Energy, and Vice Chair, PCIE, (202) 586-4393,, or Barry Snyder, Inspector General, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and Vice Chair, ECIE, (202) 973-5003,