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Manuel B. Aneiros Lopez

Fugitive Status wanted
Charges Health care fraud and forfeiture
Possible whereabouts Cuba
Amount of Arrears $500,000
Date of Birth February 3, 1960 (65 years old)
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Investigation Details

In March 2008, Manuel B. Aneiros Lopez was indicted on charges of health care fraud and forfeiture allegation. Investigators believe that through his company, Lopez falsely billed Medicare for medical equipment and services that were never provided to Medicare patients.

In January 2008, Lopez became the sole officer and registered agent of H&O Medical Supply Corporation based in Miami Lakes, Florida. According to court documents, Lopez submitted approximately $600,000 in Medicare claims for health care benefits, items, and services that were not medically necessary, not prescribed by a doctor, and were not provided to patients.

Lopez received approximately $250,000 in reimbursements for his false claims and he transferred the funds from H&O's bank account to himself and others.

Investigators believe that Lopez fled the United States in March 2008 and may be residing in Cuba.

  • Health Care Fraud
Photo of Manuel B. Aneiros Lopez