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Anupal Gayen

Fugitive Status wanted
Charges Health care fraud and Health care fraud conspiracy
Possible whereabouts Pakistan
Date of Birth January 27, 1966 (59 years old)
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Investigation Details

In May 2009, an arrest warrant was issued for Anupal Gayen on charges of health care fraud and health care fraud conspiracy.

According to court documents, Gayen and his codefendants controlled several medical therapy and medical services companies in Michigan and allegedly paid Medicare beneficiaries to sign Medicare reimbursement forms for treatment and services that were not provided. Gayen and his co-conspirators then allegedly filed the reimbursement forms with Medicare, fraudulently seeking payment.

Through their scheme, Gayen and his co-conspirators are believed to have submitted more than $18 million in fraudulent claims to Medicare.

When Gayen was confronted about his participation in the scheme, he fled the United States and remains at large.

  • Health Care Fraud
Photo of Anupal Gayen