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Manhattan U.S. Attorney Files and Simultaneously Settles Lawsuit against St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center for Fraudulently Billing Medicare and Medicaid

Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced today that the United States has filed and simultaneously settled a health care fraud lawsuit under the False Claims Act against the St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center (the "Hospital"), Continuum Health Partners, Inc., and SLR Psychiatric Associates ("SLR") (collectively, "ST. LUKE'S") for improperly billing Medicare and Medicaid for out-patient services provided at its mental health clinics. As part of the settlement, St. Luke's agreed to pay $2,325,000 to settle the Government's claims for damages and penalties under the False Claims Act, with $1,258,115.17 of that amount to be paid to the United States and the balance to the State of New York for its share of the Medicaid overpayment.


Action Details

  • Date:February 7, 2013
  • Agency:U.S. Attorney
  • Enforcement Types:
    • Criminal and Civil Actions