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Former Philadelphia Doctor Sentenced To 30 Years For Running Pill Mill And Distributing Oxycodone Resulting In Patient Death

PHILADELPHIA - Today, a federal judge sentenced William J. O'Brien III, a former doctor of osteopathic medicine, to 30 years in prison for illegal distribution of controlled substances resulting in death and additional charges arising from O'Brien's operation of a pill mill. United States District Court Judge Nitza I. Quiñones Alejandro also ordered the defendant to serve five years of supervised release upon release from prison; pay restitution of $342,504 to the bankruptcy trustee in connection with his conviction for conspiracy to commit bankruptcy fraud; and pay a special assessment of $12,300. The court also entered a judgment of forfeiture.


Action Details

  • Date:October 5, 2016
  • Agency:U.S. Attorney
  • Enforcement Types:
    • Criminal and Civil Actions