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East Texas Medical Center Carthage Agreed to Pay $20,000 for Allegedly Violating the Patient Dumping Statute by Failing to Provide an Adequate Medical Screening Examination

East Texas Medical Center Carthage (ETMC Carthage), Texas, agreed to pay $20,000 to resolve its liability for Civil Monetary Penalties under the patient dumping statute. The OIG alleged that ETMC Carthage violated the requirements of the patient dumping statute when it failed to provide an adequate medical screening examination to a patient who was 24 weeks pregnant. The patient presented to ETMC Carthage with complaints of uterine contractions and abdominal pain. The patient was told to seek care in Henderson Texas because ETMC Carthage did not have obstetrical (OB) service and did not have an OB doctor on staff. The patient then left ETMC Carthage by private vehicle.

Action Details

  • Date:July 15, 2013
  • Enforcement Types:
    • CMP and Affirmative Exclusions,
    • EMTALA/Patient Dumping