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Continuing Medical Education

Safeguarding Your Medical Identity

Web-Based Training (WBT) Course (APR2012)

This web-based training course is designed to provide education on medical identity theft. It includes information on how to recognize risks and resources that Medicare and Medicaid providers can use to protect their medical identity.

To register for this course:

  • Go to the MLN Web-Based Training (WBT) web page on the CMS website.
  • Scroll down to the Related Links section, and click on the Web-Based Training (WBT) Courses link.
  • From that page, click on the title of the course, 'Safeguarding Your Medical Identity', not the
    icon next to it.
  • At the top of the course description page, click on either Login, if you are an existing user, or Register, if you are a new user.
  • NOTE: You must complete the post-assessment test and evaluation in order to receive Continuing Education credit for this course. This activity has been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™.

Avoiding Medicare Fraud and Abuse: A Roadmap for Physicians

From the Medicare Learning Network® (MLN), "Web-Based Training (WBT) for
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™

This WBT course is based on information from the Office of Inspector General's A Roadmap for New Physicians. It reviews the five most important Federal fraud and abuse laws that apply to physicians: the False Claims Act, the Anti-Kickback Statute, the Physician Self-Referral Law, the civil monetary penalties law, and the exclusion statute. The training also assists physicians in understanding how to comply with these Federal laws by identifying "red flags" that could lead to potential liability in law enforcement and administrative actions.

To access this WBT, visit the Medicare Learning Network® and click on "Web-Based Training (WBT) Courses" under "Resources & Training".

If the above process doesn't work for you, try the direct link: Avoiding Medicare Fraud and Abuse: A Roadmap for Physicians