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Review of Oklahoma Collections for the Medical Assistance Program for Calendar Years 2004 Through 2009

Issued on  | Posted on  | Report number: A-06-10-00057

Report Materials

From January 1, 2004, through December 31, 2009, the State agency did not accurately report all of the collections on the CMS-64 reports. The State agency reported collections of $714.2 million ($492.2 million Federal share) but should have reported $729.6 million ($507 million Federal share). The State agency did not report collections of $15.4 million ($10.9 million Federal share) and underreported the Federal share of collections by $3.9 million.

Additionally, we set aside $435,000 in adjusted claims that the State agency could not support.

We recommended that the State agency (1) refund to the Federal Government $14.8 million; (2) work with CMS to determine what portion of the $435,000 in unsupported adjusted claims should be used to decrease medical assistance expenditures; (3) ensure that records supporting collections reported on the CMS-64 report are maintained and readily available; and (4) establish review procedures to ensure that collections are correctly compiled, assigned, and reported on the CMS-64 report. The State agency agreed with three of the four recommendations but disagreed with our recommendation to work with CMS to determine what portion of the $435,000 in unsupported adjusted claims should be used to decrease medical assistance expenditures.
