FDA Food Recall Early Alert

In August 2016, OIG found that the Food and Drug Administration did not have an efficient and effective food recall initiation process that helps ensure the safety of the Nation's food supply. Specifically, FDA did not have policies and procedures to ensure that firms or responsible parties initiated voluntary food recalls promptly. This issue is a significant matter and requires FDA's immediate attention.
OIG suggests that FDA update its policies and procedures to instruct its recall staff to establish set timeframes for (1) FDA to request that firms voluntarily recall their products and (2) firms to initiate voluntary food recalls.
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Related Reports
- Review of the Food and Drug Administration's Monitoring of Imported Food Recalls (A-01-09-01500)
- Review of the Food and Drug Administration's Monitoring of Pet Food Recalls (A-01-07-01503)
- Vulnerabilities in FDA's Oversight of State Food Facility Inspections (OEI-02-09-00430)
- FDA Inspections of Domestic Food Facilities (OEI-02-08-00080)
- FDA Food Facility Registry (OEI-02-08-00060)
- Traceability in the Food Supply Chain (OEI-02-06-00120; 03/09)
- Retail Food Safety (OEI-05-00-00540; 09/01)
- FDA Oversight of State Food Firm Inspections : A Call for Greater Accountability (OEI-01-98-00400; 6/00)
- FDA Food Safety Inspection (OEI-05-90-01070; 8/91)
* Please see the alert for a text-based explanation of these graphics.
Last updated March 4, 2021