Achievement Center Agreed to Pay $16,000 for Allegedly Violating the Civil Monetary Penalties Law by Submitting Claims for Behavioral Specialist Services that Were Not Provided as Claimed
After it self-disclosed conduct to OIG, Achievement Center, Inc. (AC), Pennsylvania, agreed to pay $16,523.55 for allegedly violating the Civil Monetary Penalties Law. OIG alleged that AC submitted false claims to Medicaid for behavioral specialist services purported to be provided by a Behavioral Specialist Consultant employed by AC, but that were not in fact rendered or were not supported by documentation. OI contends that the Behavioral Specialist Consultant (1) provided insufficient documentation in the progress notes and/or patient charts to justify the time billed, (2) provided recorded/time-stamped signatures that did not match billed times, (3) included non-reimbursable services in the progress notes, and (4) completed/signed progress notes for other individuals while providing services to an identified client.
Action Details
- Date:September 14, 2016
Enforcement Types:
- Fraud Self-Disclosures