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Audit of ASPR's Actions to Address Previously Identified Deficiencies in HHS's Ability to Coordinate the Federal Government's Response to Emergency Events

To improve the Nation's public health emergency management and response, the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) was created in 2006 under the Pandemic and All-Hazards Protection Act. ASPR leads the Nation's medical and public health preparedness for, response to, and recovery from disasters and public health emergencies. The Secretary of HHS designated ASPR as the department's coordinating body to ensure integration of Federal preparedness and response activities for public health emergencies. The National Response Framework is a guide to how the Nation responds to all types of disasters and emergencies and is comprised of Emergency Support Function (ESF) annexes. HHS is the coordinator of ESF #8-Public Health and Medical Services. The Secretary of HHS, through ASPR, coordinates national ESF #8 preparedness, response, and recovery actions. For the last 10 years, OIG and other Federal agencies have conducted reviews of HHS's coordination of response efforts to emergency events such as hurricanes, wildfires, and emerging infectious diseases, e.g., Ebola, Zika, and Covid-19. These reviews identified deficiencies in HHS's ability to coordinate the Federal Government's response to a public health emergency. Our objective will be to determine whether ASPR has implemented controls and mitigating strategies to address identified risks associated with coordinating the Government's response to emergency events.

Announced or Revised Agency Title Component Report Number(s) Expected Issue Date (FY)
Cancelled Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response Audit of ASPR's Actions to Address Previously Identified Deficiencies in HHS's Ability to Coordinate the Federal Government's Response to Emergency Events Office of Audit Services W-00-22-59470 2025