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Audit of HRSA's Controls Over Medicare Providers' Compliance with the Attestation, Submitted-Revenue-Information, and Quarterly Use-of-Funds Reporting Requirements Related to the $50 Billion General Distribution of the Provider Relief Fund

A combined $178 billion in funding from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act and the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act constitutes the Provider Relief Fund (PRF), which provides relief funds to hospitals and other health care providers for health-care-related expenses or lost revenue attributable to COVID-19 and to ensure that uninsured Americans can get testing and treatment for COVID-19. HHS allocated $50 billion for a General Distribution to Medicare providers.

Providers that receive PRF funds are subject to certain requirements for attestation, submission of revenue information, and reporting of quarterly use-of-funds to HHS. A provider that received a PRF payment and retained it for at least 90 days without contacting HHS regarding the payment is deemed to have accepted its terms and conditions. Further, a provider must submit general revenue data after receiving or when applying to receive a payment. Finally, according to the CARES Act, Division B, Title V, Section 15011(b)(2), no later than 10 days after the end of each calendar quarter, a provider that received more than $150,000 in total funds for the coronavirus response and related activities shall submit a report to HHS regarding the use of those funds.

As part of the OIG's oversight of the $50 billion General Distribution of the PRF, we will provide a snapshot of the effectiveness of the Health Resources and Services Administration's (HRSA's) controls over Medicare providers' compliance with the attestation, submitted-revenue-information, and quarterly use-of-funds reporting requirements. Specifically, we will review HRSA's internal controls and assess its policies and procedures related to these areas.

Announced or Revised Agency Title Component Report Number(s) Expected Issue Date (FY)
Completed Health Resources and Services Administration Audit of HRSA's Controls Over Medicare Providers' Compliance with the Attestation, Submitted-Revenue-Information, and Quarterly Use-of-Funds Reporting Requirements Related to the $50 Billion General Distribution of the Provider Relief Fund Office of Audit Services A-09-21-06001 2023