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Joint Work With State Agencies

To strengthen program integrity and efficiently use audit resources, we will enhance our efforts to provide broader oversight of the Medicaid program by partnering with State auditors, State comptrollers general, and State inspectors general. Federal-State partnerships will provide effective methods that address improper payments in fee-for-service programs such as home health, hospice, and durable medical equipment, and in managed care. OIG will partner with States to: (1) address known vulnerabilities that it has identified in both Medicare and Medicaid to curb such vulnerabilities in Medicaid nationwide; and (2) identify new areas that put the integrity of the Medicaid program at risk.

Announced or Revised Agency Title Component Report Number(s) Expected Issue Date (FY)
Completed (Partial) Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Joint Work With State Agencies Office of Audit Services W-00-21-40002;