HHS Agencies' Annual Accounting of Drug-Control Funds - Mandatory Review
The Office of National Drug Control Policy circular requires that agencies expending funds on National Drug Control Program activities submit an annual accounting of the expenditure of such funds (21 U.S.C. § 1704). The policy also requires that an agency submit with its annual accounting an authentication by the agency's OIG that expresses a conclusion on the reliability of the agency's assertions. We will review HHS agencies' compliance with the circular. We will also submit the authentication with respect to HHS's FY 2016 annual accounting.
Announced or Revised | Agency | Title | Component | Report Number(s) | Expected Issue Date (FY) |
Completed | IHS NIH HRSA CDC |
HHS Agencies' Annual Accounting of Drug-Control Funds - Mandatory Review | Office of Audit Services | A-03-18-00351; A-03-18-00352; A-03-18-00353; A-03-18-00354; A-03-18-00355 |
Triennially |