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Medicare Market Shares of Mail Order Diabetic Test Strips from April-June 2018

OIG is required to report on the Medicare market share of both mail order and non-mail-order diabetic test strips (DTS) before each round of the Medicare competitive bidding program, pursuant to section 50414 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, which amended section 1847(b)(10) of the Social Security Act. In the first of two data briefs, OIG will determine the Medicare market share of mail order DTS for the 3 month period of April through June 2018. The second data brief will determine the Medicare market share of non-mail-order DTS for the same 3 month period. These data will help CMS determine the relative Medicare market share of various DTS in the mail order and non-mail-order markets. These data briefs represent OIG's third round of DTS Medicare market share reports since 2010, but this is the first series of reports that will include non-mail-order DTS data.

Announced or Revised Agency Title Component Report Number(s) Expected Issue Date (FY)
Completed Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Medicare Market Shares of Mail Order Diabetic Test Strips from April-June 2018 Office of Evaluation and Inspections OEI-04-18-00440; OEI-04-18-00441 2019