Potential Abuse and Neglect of Medicare Beneficiaries
Medicare beneficiaries, including elders and disabled persons, are being treated at inpatient and outpatient medical facilities for conditions that may be the result of abuse or neglect. The Elder Justice Act recognizes an older person's rights, including the right to be free of abuse, neglect, and exploitation. In addition, all 50 States have mandated reporter laws for the reporting of the potential abuse or neglect of elders and vulnerable persons. Prior OIG reviews have shown that there are problems with the quality of care and the reporting and investigation of potential abuse or neglect at group homes, nursing homes, and skilled nursing facilities. By analyzing the treating medical facilities' diagnoses, we will determine the prevalence of the potential abuse or neglect of Medicare beneficiaries. We will also determine whether the potential abuse or neglect occurred at a medical facility or at another location, such as the Medicare beneficiary's home.
Announced or Revised | Agency | Title | Component | Report Number(s) | Expected Issue Date (FY) |
Completed | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services | Potential Abuse and Neglect of Medicare Beneficiaries | Office of Audit Services | A-01-17-00513; A-01-19-00502; W-00-17-35805; W-00-18-35805; W-00-19-35805 | 2019 |