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Child Care and Development Fund: State Criminal Background Check Requirements

Reauthorized in the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 2014 (CCDBG Act), the Child Care and Development Fund is the primary source of Federal subsidies of childcare costs of low-income families. All licensed, regulated, and registered childcare providers, as well as all childcare providers eligible to deliver childcare services, are subject to the CCDBG Act's requirements for criminal background checks. The CCDBG Act mandates that a State have policies and procedures in place that meet the criminal background check requirements. We will determine States' progress toward implementation of criminal background check requirements established under the CCDBG Act. This work may identify best practices that States can use in implementing these requirements.

Announced or Revised Agency Title Component Report Number(s) Expected Issue Date (FY)
Completed Administration for Children and Families Child Care and Development Fund: State Criminal Background Check Requirements Office of Audit Services A-09-17-01003;