Emergency Preparedness and Response at Care Provider Facilities in the Office of Refugee Resettlement's Unaccompanied Alien Children Program
The Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Humanitarian Assistance and Security at the Southern Border Act, 2019 (P.L. 116-26) appropriated $2.9 billion for the Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) Program. Within this $2.9 billion, title IV of P.L. 116-26 provided $5 million for OIG to conduct additional oversight of the UAC Program, which is managed by HHS's Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). As part of OIG's oversight of ORR, we plan to review UAC Program emergency preparedness and response plans and procedures. The ORR Guide Children Entering the United States Unaccompanied states that UAC care providers are responsible for safety planning for each facility, including development of a written safety plan for all UAC children in its care and program staff. This written plan should address emergency situations such as evacuations (e.g., due to hurricane, fire, or other emergency), medical and mental health emergencies, and disease outbreaks (such as COVID-19). Each facility must also have policies and procedures for identifying, reporting, and controlling communicable diseases (for example, coronaviruses). In addition, each licensed care provider facility must adhere to State licensing requirements regarding emergency preparedness and response. Our objective will be to determine whether selected care provider facilities followed Federal and State requirements in preparing for and responding to emergency events.
Announced or Revised | Agency | Title | Component | Report Number(s) | Expected Issue Date (FY) |
Completed (partial) | Administration for Children and Families | Emergency Preparedness and Response at Care Provider Facilities in the Office of Refugee Resettlement's Unaccompanied Alien Children Program | Office of Audit Services | A-04-20-02031; W-00-20-20021 |
2021 |