Audit of FY 2020 HHS Consolidated Financial Statements
The HHS financial statement audit determines whether the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the audited entity for the specified time period. We will retain an independent external auditor and review the independent auditor's work papers to determine whether financial statement audits of HHS and its components were conducted in accordance with Federal requirements. The financial statement audit is required by Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990, as amended by the Government Management Reform Act of 1994, and performed in accordance with Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards and OMB Bulletin 19-03, "Audit Requirements for Federal Financial Statements. The audited consolidated FYs 2020 and 2021 financial statements for HHS are due to OMB by November 15, 2020 and 2021, respectively. We plan to perform a number of ancillary financial-related reviews pertaining to the audits of the FYs 2020 and 2021 financial statements. The purpose of the financial-related reviews is to fulfill requirements in OMB Bulletin 19-03, §§ 6.1 through 13.
Announced or Revised | Agency | Title | Component | Report Number(s) | Expected Issue Date (FY) |
February 2020 | Office of the Secretary | Audit of FY 2020 HHS Consolidated Financial Statements | Office of Audit Services | W-00-20-40009 | 2021 |