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OIG’s COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Flexibilities End on May 11, 2023 Upon Expiration of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Declaration


This notice reminds the health care community that OIG flexibilities, described further below, end upon the expiration of the COVID-19 Declaration on May 11, 2023.

Posted: 03-10-2023

In connection with the COVID-19 public health emergency declaration (COVID-19 Declaration) first issued by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) under Section 319 of the Public Health Service Act on January 31, 2020, and subsequently renewed, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued two Policy Statements and answered a series of frequently asked questions (FAQs). The Policy Statements and FAQs were designed to provide flexibility and minimize burdens for the health care industry as it faced the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on current COVID-19 trends, HHS plans to let the COVID-19 Declaration expire at the end of the day on May 11, 2023.

The information below describes the Policy Statements and FAQs OIG instituted during the time period covered by the COVID-19 Declaration, explains what each flexibility did, and provides other information.

OIG Policy Statement Regarding Physicians and Other Practitioners That Reduce or Waive Amounts Owed by Federal Health Care Program Beneficiaries for Telehealth Services During the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)Outbreak (Telehealth Policy Statement) (March 17, 2020)

OIG Policy Statement Regarding Application of Certain Administrative Enforcement Authorities Due to Declaration of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak in the United States as a National Emergency (OIG Blanket Waivers Policy Statement; April 3, 2020)

FAQs-Application of OIG's Administrative Enforcement Authorities to Arrangements Directly Connected to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Public Health Emergency (FAQs; published beginning April 10, 2020)