OIG Monthly Update Podcasts

December 2016 OIG Monthly Update
January 10, 2016
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses recent enforcement actions and OIG reports released in December 2016.
November 2016 OIG Monthly Update
December 5, 2016
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses the Semi-Annual Report to Congress, enforcement actions, and other reports released in November 2016.
October 2016 OIG Monthly Update
November 7, 2016
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses recent enforcement actions, HHS-OIG's 40th anniversary, and reports released in October 2016.
September 2016 OIG Monthly Update
October 6, 2016
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses testimonies on Capitol Hill, recent enforcement actions, and reports released in September 2016.
August 2016 OIG Monthly Update
September 6, 2016
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses recent enforcement actions and OIG reports released in August 2016.
July 2016 OIG Monthly Update
August 3, 2016
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses recent enforcement actions and OIG reports released in July 2016.
June 2016 OIG Monthly Update
July 5, 2016
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses the largest health care fraud takedown in history, the 2016 Work Plan update, and other reports released in June 2016.
May 2016 OIG Monthly Update
June 3, 2016
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses the Semi-Annual Report to Congress, OIG's testimony on Capitol Hill, and other reports released in May 2016.
April 2016 OIG Monthly Update
May 2, 2016
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses the Compendium of Unimplemented Recommendations, enforcement actions and other OIG reports released in April 2016.
March 2016 OIG Monthly Update
April 4, 2016 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, OIG's testimony on Capitol Hill, enforcement actions and reports that were released in March 2016.
February 2016 OIG Monthly Update
March 4, 2016 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses recent enforcement actions and reports released in February 2016.
January 2016 OIG Monthly Update
February 1, 2016 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses recent enforcement actions and OIG reports released in January 2016.
November 2015 OIG Monthly Update
December 8, 2015 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses the release of OIG's Semiannual Report, the 2015 Top Management Challenges, and enforcement actions in November 2015.
October 2015 OIG Monthly Update
November 4, 2015 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses the release of the FY 2016 Work Plan, testimony on Capitol Hill, enforcement actions and reports released in October 2015.
September 2015 OIG Monthly Update
October 7, 2015 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses OIG activities in September 2015, including several reports about the federal marketplace, including one audit that showed that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) did not always manage and oversee contractor performance for the federal marketplace as required and another audit report that found that CMS did not identify all health insurance marketplace contract costs or properly validate the amount to withhold for correcting defects.
August 2015 OIG Monthly Update
September 3, 2015 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses OIG reports released in August 2015, including an audit report showing 12 percent of health care providers terminated for cause from one state Medicaid program in 2011 billed from another state in 2014, as well as enforcement actions, such as the indictment of a New York doctor charged with taking bribes for referrals in a massive New Jersey lab scheme.
July 2015 OIG Monthly Update
August 7, 2015 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses OIG reports released in July 2015, including an health insurance co-op audit report, as well as enforcement actions, such as a Detroit-area oncologist sentenced to 45 years in prison for intentionally misdiagnosing and administering chemotherapy to patients who did not have the disease.
June 2015 OIG Monthly Update
July 7, 2015 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses recent enforcement actions, OIG's Spring Semiannual Report, and other reports released in June 2015.
May 2015 OIG Monthly Update
June 2, 2015 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses recent the Work Plan Mid-Year Update, enforcement actions and OIG reports released in May 2015.
April 2015 OIG Monthly Update
May 6, 2015 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses recent enforcement actions and OIG reports released in April 2015.
March 2015 OIG Monthly Update
April 7, 2015 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses testimonies on Capitol Hill, recent enforcement actions, and reports released in March 2015.
February 2015 OIG Monthly Update
March 4, 2015 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses recent enforcement actions and reports released in February 2015.
January 2015 OIG Monthly Update
February 4, 2015 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses recent enforcement actions and OIG reports released in January 2015.
2014 Year in Review OIG Update
January 15, 2015 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, highlights OIG's work in 2014 in this year-in-review podcast
December 2014 OIG Update
January 6, 2015 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses recent enforcement actions, OIG's Semiannual Report, and other reports released in December 2014.
November 2014 OIG Update
December 2, 2014 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses enforcement actions, OIG's 2014 Top Management and Performance Challenges facing HHS, and reports released in November 2014.
October 2014 OIG Update
November 5, 2014 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses the release of the OIG 2015 Work Plan, several reviews and reports, and enforcement actions.
September 2014 OIG Update
October 6, 2014 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses recent enforcement actions, updates on OIG's Most Wanted Health Care Fugitives and reports released in September 2014.
August 2014 OIG Update
September 3, 2014 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses recent enforcement actions and OIG reports released in August 2014.
July 2014 OIG Update
August 4, 2014 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses recent enforcement actions and OIG reports released in July 2014.
June 2014 OIG Update
July 7, 2014 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses recent enforcement actions and OIG reports released in June 2014.
May 2014 OIG Update
June 2, 2014 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses OIG's Semiannual Report, enforcement actions and testimonies on Capitol Hill.
April 2014 OIG Update
May 5, 2014 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses OIG's testimony on Capitol Hill, enforcement actions and reports that were released in April 2014.
March 2014 OIG Update
March 31, 2014 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses OIG testimonies on Capitol Hill, the release of reports and publications, and enforcement actions.
February 2014 OIG Update
March 5, 2014 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses the release of several reviews and reports, including the OIG 2014 Work Plan, and enforcement actions.
January 2014 OIG Update
February 3, 2014 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses recent enforcement actions and OIG reports released in January 2014.
December 2013 OIG Update
January 6, 2013 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses recent enforcement actions, OIG's Semiannual Report, and other publications.
November 2013 OIG Update
December 3, 2013 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses recent enforcement actions and OIG reports released in November 2013.
October 2013 OIG Update
November 4, 2013 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses enforcement actions and OIG reports that were released in October 2013.
September 2013 OIG Update
September 30, 2013 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses enforcement actions, OIG's testimony on Capitol Hill, and reports that were released in September 2013.
August 2013 OIG Update
September 3, 2013 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses enforcement actions and OIG reports that were released in August 2013.
July 2013 OIG Update
August 5, 2013 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses OIG's Exclusions database upgrade, reports and enforcement actions released in July 2013.
June 2013 OIG Update
July 3, 2013 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses OIG's testimony on Capitol Hill, enforcement actions and reports that were released in June 2013.
May 2013 OIG Update
June 3, 2013 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses enforcement actions and OIG reports that were released in May 2013.
April 2013 OIG Update
May 6, 2013 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses enforcement actions, OIG reports and the updated Provider Self-Disclosure Protocol.
March 2013 OIG Update
April 1, 2013 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses OIG's March activities, including the IG's testimony, enforcement actions and reports.
February 2013 OIG Update
March 4, 2013 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses OIG reports and enforcement actions that were released in February 2013.
January 2013 OIG Update
February 5, 2013 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses OIG reports and enforcement actions that were released in January 2013.
December 2012 OIG Update
January 7, 2012 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses recent enforcement actions as well as OIG reports and publications released in December 2012.
November 2012 OIG Update
December 3, 2012 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses recent enforcement actions, OIG's Semiannual Report, and the release of several other publications.
October 2012 OIG Update
November 5, 2012 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses the release of several reviews and reports, including the OIG 2013 Work Plan, as well as criminals who were captured or added to the Most Wanted Health Care Fugitives list.
September 2012 OIG Update
October 1, 2012 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses September highlights, including updates to pending Child Support Enforcement cases and recently released reports.
August 2012 OIG Update
September 4, 2012 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, recaps OIG's August work, including enforcement actions, reports, and the Legal Extern Program.
July 2012 OIG Update
August 1, 2012 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses the historic settlement with GlaxoSmithKline, OIG's recent work on adverse events, and activity on some high-profile child support enforcement cases.
June 2012 OIG Update
July 2, 2012 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses OIG's June activities, including a report on vulnerabilities in the CDC's Vaccines for Children program and the capture of two Most Wanted fugitives.
April 2012 OIG Update
May 3, 2012 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses OIG's April activities, including the IG's testimony, reports, and enforcement actions.
March 2012 OIG Update
March 27, 2012 Podcast
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, recaps OIG's latest work in the first of a new series of monthly podcasts.
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