New Website Look
On December 10, 2018, HHS-OIG launched a refreshed version of its website. Reports, compliance information, and other content remains on the site. However, users will notice a change to the look and feel of the top-level webpages and the site's search appliance. The old look and feel will also be present on lower-level pages as we continue to update the site.
What We're Trying to Accomplish
- A mobile-first approach to design and information access
- A trimmed down navigation system to make it easier to find information
- Search engine optimization through mobile-first design and keyword-driven page content
- A more accessible and modern user interface with use of U.S. Web Design System templates and research
- Implementation of modern social media sharing tools
- Greater ease of website use by ensuring consistency between government websites
I'm Looking For
Let's start by choosing a topic
Exclusions Database
Report Fraud