Medicaid Fraud Control Units
Statistical Data for Fiscal Year 2012

1Investigations are defined as the total number of open investigations at the end of the fiscal year.
2Recoveries are defined as the amount of money that defendants are required to pay as a result of a settlement, judgment, or prefiling settlement in criminal and civil cases and may not reflect actual collections. Recoveries may involve cases that include participation by other Federal and State agencies.
Information in this chart was reported to OIG by the 50 State MFCUs, except MFCU Grant Expenditures and Total Medicaid Expenditures. MFCU Grant Expenditures and Total Medicaid Expenditures include both Federal and State shares. Abuse/Neglect cases are defined to include "patient funds" cases.
Information for the following MFCUs was revised in February 2014 based on revisions reported to OIG: Idaho, Michigan, Mississippi, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming.
Source Data: Statistical Chart FY 2012