By selecting different views in the map below, users can see by county:
The table below the map provides county-by-county data for the number of waivered providers and county patient capacity rates as of April 2018. A full analysis and explanation of the data in the map and table can be found in OIG’s report, Geographic Disparities Affect Access to Buprenorphine Services for Opioid Use Disorder, OEI-12-17-00240.
Physicians and certain other qualified providers who obtain a waiver from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration are allowed to prescribe buprenorphine to patients in office settings (e.g., primary care practices, community health centers, treatment centers) to treat opioid use disorder. For the most recent waivered provider information in each county, please refer to SAMHSA’s Buprenorphine Practitioner Locator.
NOTE: Alaska and Hawaii are not displayed on this map. To obtain county-level data in these States, please refer to the table below.
This data was extracted from OIG’s full report, OEI-12-17-00240, OIG HHS.